Daily Archives: October 1, 2014

The 4th flower.

I got another tattoo done on Monday. 🙂 All of my tattoo’s are meaningful to me but with each one I get, I feel completely differently about it because the meanings are so varied.
I can’t (won’t) show you my first 4 tattoos. Lets just say I was young and really stupid. You can just use your imagination. I still love them though even if they are a bit… well… young and stupid. *laugh*

On my left wrist I have this one.
At first I designed it to cover the cuts on my wrist and they are nearly unnoticeable now YAY!!! It was also designed to remind me to both “Stay” (stay present, stay alive) and “Stay Strong”. The tree bending but not breaking reminds me of my life. It is how I feel. A bit misshapen and off kilter at times but still firmly rooted and strong. The sprouting leaves are symbolic for rejuvenation.

On my right arm there is this one.
I chose an owl for the native Indian meaning “having the ability to see light through the darkness” and it is also a reminder for me to “stay wise”. Each leaf represents a Helper so there are 24 leaves and more can be added if needed. I now feel there is one more but won’t adjust the tattoo until I am positive.
The teal ribbon is the awareness ribbon colour for PTSD. DID and childhood sexual abuse. I didn’t want the typical ribbon though. I like to be different. 🙂

And now on my left leg there is this one.

The butterfly for me is a symbol of transformation. The fact that they literally wrap themselves in a tight and dark cocoon only to emerge as something far more beautiful than when they went in, just astounds me. It is done in reds for my January birthstone.
The books represent the writer in me but also offer me reminders. My life, my story and my voice really do matter and they always will. There are many days when I feel so useless and unimportant (just old messages replying in my head) and i need to remind myself regularly that I do matter.
The flowers are done for each of my children. To add the 4th is a huge mental and emotional shift for me. .
The first 3 are for my children who’ve I spoken about before in my blog. My December girl, February boy and September girl. The 4th flower is done in March colours for a baby that was taken from me when I was a very young girl. I will discuss this more in my next post but for today, just including him in to the group that I consider “my children” is huge for me. He was a secret loss for decades.
So… the flowers are for all 4 of my children. My two girls and my 2 boys.
With much love for all. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤